(11-9-2023)   by: Janne Pak(White House & Stat Department & Pentagon & Congress Correspondent) @Secretary Blinken and South Korean Foreign Minister Park Jin holding a joint press conference after the ROK-U.S. Foreign Ministers' Meeting (Government Complex in Seoul Korea 11-9-2023). ​The ROK-U.S. Foreign Ministers' Meeting was held at the Seoul Government Complex on the 9th. U.S. Secretary of State Tony Blinken and South Korean Foreign Minister Park Jin held a joint press conference after the meeting. ​한미 외교장관회의가 9일 서울 정부청사에서 열렸다. 토니 블링컨 미 국무장관과 박진 한국 외교부 장관은 회담후 공동기자회견을 가졌다. As for the arms trade between Russia and North Korea, Putin and Kim Jong-un met in Russia last September and explicitly mentioned the possibility of military cooperation. Subsequently, Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov visited North Korea and met with North Korean Foreign Minister Choe Son-hee and pledged to deepen relations. And on October 15, the United States released satellite photos of 1,000 containers that captured North Korea's support for Russian military equipment. 러시아와 북한간 무기거래는 지난 9월 푸틴과 김정은을 러시아에서 만나 노골적으로 군사협력 가능성을 언급했다. 이어서 라브로프 러시아 외무장관이 북한을 방문, 북한 최선희 외무상을 만나 더욱 깊은 관계를 다짐했다. 그리고 지난 10월 15일 미국이 북한의 러시아 군사장비 지원 정황을...
Janne Pak 2023.11.12
Janne Pak 2023.11.09
(11-7-2023)   by: Janne Pak(White House & State Department & Pentagon & Congress Correspondent) @Q&A with a Pentagon Deputy Spokesperson Sabrina Singh and Janne Pak at the Pentagon Press Briefing on November 7, 2023. At today's briefing, Pentagon Deputy Spokesperson Sabrina Singh introduced the schedule of Secretary Lloyd Austin, who will be visiting countries in the Indo-Pacific region, including India, South Korea, and Indonesia, starting on the 8th. She said that during this trip, he will outline the United States' goals for strengthening capabilities, networks, and conducting joint operations with allies and partners throughout the Indo-Pacific. 사브리나 싱 펜타곤 부대변인은 오늘 브리핑에서 오는 8일부터 인도와 한국, 인도네시아 등 인도태평양 지역 국가 순방길에 오르는 로이드 오스틴 장관의 일정을 소개했다. 그러면서 이번 순방에서 인도태평양 전역에서 동맹 및 파트너와의 역량 강화와 네트워크, 공동 작전 수행에 대한 미국의 목표를 설명할 것이라고 밝혔다. This is Secretary Austin's ninth trip to the Indo-Pacific region since taking office. During his visit to South Korea, he plans to hold talks with high-ranking officials, including South Korean Minister of Defense Shin Won-sik, through the 55th Annual Security Consultative Meeting (SCM) and the 1st South Korea-UNC Member State Defense Ministers' Meeting. 오스틴 장관의 인도태평양 지역 순방은 취임 이후 9번째다. 한국 방문...
Janne Pak 2023.11.07
(11-1-2023)   by: Janne Pak(White House & State Department & Pentagon & Congress Correspondent) @Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency Scott Berrier speaks during a talk at the Center for Strategic & International Studies on the 1st.(11-1-2023) Scott Berrier, Director of the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency(DIA), said at a conversation event at the Center for Strategic International Studies (CSIS) today that he is always watching North Korea and Iran as major threats. At the same time, North Korea is directly threatening the U.S. military stationed overseas, South Korea, and Japan with nuclear weapons. He also pointed out the unstable movements and military linkages of North Korea, Russia and Iran. He also emphasized that the United States is always watching major regional actors such as Iran and North Korea and violent extremist organizations. 스콧 베리어 미 국방정보국 국장은 오늘 전략문제 연구소(CSIS) 대담행사에서 북한과 이란을 주요 위협국가로 항상 주시하고 있다고 말했다. 그러면서 북한은 해외 주둔 미군과 한국, 일본 등을 핵으로 직접 위협하고 있다고 말했다. 또한 북한, 러시아, 이란의 불안한 움직임과 군사연계 상황을 지적했다. 그리고 미국은 이란, 북한과 같은 주요 역내 행위자들과 폭력적인 극단주의 조직을 항상 주시하고 있다고 강조 했다. "There are also very interesting connections going on between Iran and Russia and North...
Janne Pak 2023.11.01
(10-31-2-23)   by: Janne Pak(White House & State Department & Pentagon & Congress Correspondent @Q&A with a Pentagon Spokesperson Genaeral Ryder and Janne Pak at the Pentagon Press Briefing on October 31, 2023. U.S. military experts have argued that deploying tactical nuclear weapons on the Korean Peninsula is not militarily feasible. However, South Korean and U.S. experts recently released a report saying that if North Korea does not give up its nuclear weapons, it could deploy tactical nuclear weapons in South Korea. ​미 군사 전문가들은 그동안 한반도에 전술핵을 배치하는 것은 군사적으로 타당하지 않다고 주장해 왔다. 하지만 최근 한미 전문가들은 북한이 핵을 포기하지 않으면 한국에 전술핵무기를 배치할수 있다는 보고서를 발표했다. A recent report by the Rand Institute and South Korea's Asan Institute for Policy Studies announced the 'ROK-U.S. Joint Research Report on Strengthening South Korea's Nuclear Security,' which states, "If North Korea refuses to freeze nuclear weapons production, it will redeploy U.S. nuclear weapons in a feasible way." 최근 미 랜드연구소와 한국의 아산정책연구원 보고서에서 “북한이 핵무기 생산 동결을 거부할 경우 미국의 핵무기를 실현 가능한 방식으로 재배치하겠다는 ‘한국의 핵보장 강화를 위한 한미 공동연구보고서’를 발표했다. The United States is strengthening extended deterrence, but South Korea's nuclear guarantee must be strengthened in a more realistic...
Janne Pak 2023.11.01
Janne Pak 2023.10.30
Janne Pak 2023.10.26
Janne Pak 2023.10.26