Who attempted to assassinate former President Trump and why?

Janne Pak
2024-07-15 23:06
(7-15-2024) by: Janne Pak(White House & State Department & Pentagon & Congress Correspondent)

@Former U.S. President Donald Trump was attacked by a gunman while campaigning in Butler, Pennsylvania, on the 13th (local time). The bullet fired by the gunman grazed the ear, and blood from the ear was streaming down his face. President Trump, who was hiding under the podium at the time of the shooting, was woken up by his bodyguards. He shows that he is in good health by raising his right hand and shouting to his supporters to fight. He is being escorted by security guards and taken to the hospital.

@On Sunday evening (the 14th), President Baden is giving a speech to the nation about the assassination attempt on former President Trump on Saturday evening (the 13th).

On June 13, shortly after 6 p.m., former President Trump was attacked while campaigning in Butler, Pennsylvania. While President Trump was on the podium giving a speech, a bullet flew and pierced the upper part of his right ear. President Trump hid under the podium the moment the bullet passed his ear, and then bodyguards surrounded former President Trump and guided him to a vehicle and escorted him to the hospital.

Former President Trump, with his face covered in blood dripping from his ears, raised his right hand and told his supporters, “Let’s fight!” Let's fight! he shouted.

6월13일 오후 6시쯤 조금 넘어 펜실베니아 버틀러에 유세중인 트럼프 전 대통령이 피습되었다. 트럼프 대통령이 연단에 올라 연설을 하는중 총알이 날아와 오른쪽 귀 윗부분을 관통했다. 트럼프 대통령은 총알이 귀를 스치는 순간 단상아래로 몸을 숨겼고, 이어서 경호원들이 전 트럼프 대통령을 에워싸며 차량으로 인도해 병원으로 호송됐다.

트럼프 전 대통령은 귀에서부터 흘러내린 핏자국이 얼굴에 범벅이 된채 오른 손을 들어 올리며 지지자들에게 싸우자! 싸우자!고 외쳤다.

The sound of about 7 shots being fired at President Trump continued. The gunman was killed by secret service at the scene, and one person was reported dead and two were seriously injured.

According to a Secret Service briefing, it has not yet been revealed in detail whether the shooter was the lone shooter or if there was someone behind it, but according to the current announcement, the lone shooter was Thomas Matthew Crooks, a 20-year-old white man living in Pennsylvania.

트럼프 대통령을 향한 총격 소리는 7발정도 계속 들렸다. 총격범은 현장에서 경호요원들에게 사살됐고, 1명 사상 2명 중상으로 발표됐다.

비밀경호국 브리핑에 의하면 총격범에 대해서는 단독범인지 배후가 있는지는 아직 자세히 밝혀지지 않았지만 현재 발표에 의하면 펜실베니아에 거주하는 20살 백인 남성 토머스 매튜 크룩스로 단독범으로 알려졌다.

Former President Trump was discharged from a nearby hospital after receiving treatment and is said to be in good condition.

트럼프 전 대통령은 인근병원세서 치료를 받은뒤 퇴원했으며 상태는 양호하다고 알려졌다.

President Biden interrupted the Democratic Party rally and returned to the White House on Sunday. And in the Oval Office of the White House, he gave a speech to the nation about the assassination attempt on former President Trump. President Biden said, “Political violence that threatens democracy is absolutely unacceptable.” He urged the American people to unite, saying, “We are neighbors, friends, and colleagues.” He said, “Power comes through votes, not bullets.”

바이든 대통령은 민주당 집회를 중단하고 일요일 백악관으로 돌아왔다. 그리고 백악관 집무실에서 트럼프 전 대통령에 대한 암살시도에 대해 대국민 연설을 했다. 바이든 대통령은 “민주주의를 위협하는 정치적 폭력은 절대 용납 할수 없다.”고 말했다. 그리고 ”우리는 이웃이며 친구이고 동료라고 말하면서 미국민들의 단합을 촉구했다. 그러면서 “힘은 총탄이 아니라 투표를 통해서 오는 것.”이다고 말했다.

Former President Trump attended Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where the Republican National Convention is being held on the 15th, as scheduled. On the 18th, the last day of the Republican National Convention (15th to 18th), he will deliver a speech accepting his presidential candidacy. The timing is perfect, and the media is predicting that the ‘Trump craze’ is expected to reach its peak. A hearing is scheduled to be held next Monday, the 22nd.

트럼프 전 대통령은 15일 공화당 전당대회가 열리는 위스콘신주 밀워키에 예정대로 참석했다 공화당 전당대회(15~18일) 마지막 날인 18일 그는 대선 후보 수락 연설을 한다. 시기상으로도 절묘해 ‘트럼프 열풍’이 최고조에 오를 예정이라고 언론들은 관측하고 있다. 다음주 월요일 22일 청문회를 열것으로 예정되어 있다.

As news of the assassination attempt on the former President of the United States spreads around the world, concerns about the United States, the most powerful country, are echoing everywhere. In particular, allies are more concerned, and the consensus is that there should not be an assassination incident in any form.

미국의 전 대통령의 암살시도에 대한 뉴스가 전세계에 알려지면서 최강대국인 미국에 대한 우려가 곳곳에서 울려퍼지고 있다. 특히 동맹국들은 더욱 우려하고 있으며 어떤 형태로든 암살사건은 있어서도 않된다는 것이 정론이다.(끝)

All Copy Rights Reserved: on USA JOURNAL KOREA Site.
(Janne Pak, White House Correspondent)
A Professional female Journalist who has covered the Korean Peninsula Issues and Korea-U.S. relations for over 20 years, White House, Pentagon, State Department, Congress.
Janne Pak 2024.08.21
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