[Special Report] " The immediate release of the innocent President Park"죄없는 박근헤대통령을 즉각 석방하라!

Janne Pak
2019-08-26 19:55
(8-26-2019)   [Special Report]    by: Janne Pak

" The immediate release of the innocent President Park
   No one can condemn but God."

The South Korean former president Park Geun-hye is being abused by a radical leftist regime(Moon's regime).

The Moon Jae-in regime has now seized power in order to go to socialism or communism.

That's why he's forced to commit President Park's imprisonment for 900 days in prison.

South Korea people wants liberal democracy and a U.S.- ROK alliance.

The current Moon's regime wants socialism, Communism like Kim Jong-un, a North Korean dictator Who abuses human rights .

@ Former President Park Geun-hye of the South Korea.

Please pray for the S.Korea and President Park Geun-hye.

I want all Christians to pray to free the innocent president Park Geun-hye from prison.

*Please  click and watch this article at website:(아래 웹사이트를 참고)


by : Janne Pak
(The White House Correspondent)

(Janne Pak, 백악관 출입기자)
20여년 동안 한반도 문제를 다루고 있는 여성 언론인으로서 현재 미 백악관, 국방부, 국무성, 국회를 출입하고 있다.
(12-12-2023)   by: Janne Pak(White House & State Department & Pentagon & Congress Correspondent) @President Biden and President Zelenskyy of Ukraine in Joint Press Conference, Indian Treaty Room at a White House.(12-12-2023) @President Biden and President Zelenskyy are shaking hands as they meet for a meeting in the Oval Office of the White House.(12-12-2023) ​With the budget for U.S. security assistance to Ukraine depleted, Ukrainian President Zelenskyy visited the White House for the third time and held a meeting with President Biden. ​우크라이나에 대한 미국의 안보지원에 대한 예산이 고갈된 상황에서 젤렌스키 우크라이나 대통령이 세 번째 백악관을 방문해 바이든 대통령과 회담을 가졌다. President Biden held a meeting with Ukrainian President Zelenskyy at the White House on the 12th (local time) and emphasized support for Ukraine, saying, “The United States will continue to support Ukraine, and I will not run away and leave Ukraine behind.” 바이든 대통령은 12일(현지시간) 백악관에서 젤렌스키 우크라이나 대통령과 회담을 갖고 “미국은 우크라이나를 계속 지원 할 것이며, 나는 우크라이나를 두고 떠나지 않을 것이다.”며 미국의 우크라이나 지원을 강조했다. President Zelenskyy also visited Congress, met with U.S. lawmakers and appealed for assistance to Ukraine. The U.S. House of Representatives has not currently passed a budget for Ukraine security assistance. Since a lot...
Janne Pak 2023.12.13
Janne Pak 2023.12.13
Janne Pak 2023.12.11
Janne Pak 2023.12.10
(12-6-2023)   by: Janne Pak(White House & State Department & Pentagon & Congress Correspondent) @Q&A with John Kirby, White House NSC Coordinator for Strategic Communications and Janne Pak at a White House press briefing on December 6, 2023. The trilateral national security advisors meeting between South Korea, the United States and Japan is scheduled to be held in Seoul on the 9th. The last meeting was held in Japan and this time it will be held in Seoul. ​한미일 3국 안보실장 회의가 9일 서울에서 개최할 예정이다. 지난번 회담은 일본에서 개최되었고 이번에는 서울에서 개최된다. White House National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, South Korea's National Security Office Director Cho Tae-yong, and Japan's National Security Director Takeo Akiba will hold a trilateral national security advisors meeting in Seoul on the 9th. It was announced that prior to the trilateral security advisors meeting, there will be a meeting between the security advisors of the United States and South Korea and a meeting between the security advisors of the United States and Japan. 제이크 설리번 백악관 국가안보보좌관과 조태용 한국 국가안보실장, 아키바 다케오 일본 국가안전보장국장은 오는 9일 서울에서 3국 안보실장 회의를 개최한다. 3국 안보실장회담에 앞서 미.한 안보실장회담이 있고 미.일 안보실장회담이 각각 열릴것이라고 발표됐다. According to the Office...
Janne Pak 2023.12.07
(12-6-2023)   by: Janne Pak(White House & State Department & Pentagon & Congress Correspondent) @Q&A with a State Department Spokesperson Matthew Miller and Janne Pak at the State Department Press Briefing on December 6, 2023. North Korea and Russia are engaged in ongoing arms trade. It was reported that North Korea transshipped 10,000 containers from Rajin Port to Russia yesterday. No one is stopping North Korea from continuing to ship weapons or ammunition to Russia. 북한과 러시아가 지속적인 무기거래를 하고 있다. 북한은 어제 나진항에서 러시아를 향해 컨테이너 1만개를 환적한 것으로 알려졌다. 이것이 무기든 탄약이든 북한이 계속 러시아로 실어나르고 있는 것에 대해 아무도 막지 못하고 있다. Recently, a Russian Kremlin spokesperson denied any arms cooperation between North Korea and Russia and accused the United States of making false reports. However, arms trade and military cooperation between North Korea and Russia are clearly ongoing. 최근 러시아 크렘린 대변인은 북러간 무기협력에 대해 부인 하면서 미국이 허위보도를 하고 있다고 비난했다. 그러나 엄연히 북러간의 무기거래와 군사협력은 진행중이다. North Korea's Kim Jong-un and Russian President Putin have already made promises to each other, including arms deals and technical support. It is well known that Russia's technical support was also involved in this third launch of North Korea's...
Janne Pak 2023.12.06
(12-5-2023)   by: Janne Pak(White House & State Department & Pentagon & Congress Correspondent) @Q&A with a Pentagon Spokesperson General Ryder and Janne Pak at the Pentagon Press Briefing on December 5, 2023. The Washington Post recently reported that Korea provided more artillery shells to Ukraine than to all of Europe. South Korea has been supporting Ukraine indirectly, not directly, with 155m artillery shells. 최근 워싱턴포스트지는 한국이 우크라이나에 포탄 공급은 유럽 전체보다 많은 지원을 했다고 보도했다. 한국은 우크라이나에 155m 포탄 지원을 직접적이 아닌 간접적으로 지원해 왔다. White House National Security Advisor said at the White House briefing that South Korea has been supplying large quantities of artillery shells. He also said the U.S. budget for Ukraine has run out and that it must hurry to meet urgent security needs to prevent further attacks by Russia. Otherwise, Ukraine may have to kneel, he said. Everything will be resolved only if the U.S. Congress passes the budget for this as soon as possible. 설리번 백악관 국가안보 보좌관도 백악관 브리핑에서 한국은 포탄을 대량 공급해 왔다고 말했다. 그러면서 미국의 우크라이나에 대한 예산이 바닥이 났다고 말하면서 러시아의 추가 공격을 막기 위한 긴급 안보 요구를 충족할 수 있도록 서둘러야 한다고 말했다. 그렇지 않으면 우크라이나가 무릎을 꿀어야 할지...
Janne Pak 2023.12.06
(12-4-2023)   by: Janne Pak(White House & State Department & Pentagon & Congress Correspondent) @Q&A with a State Department Spokesperson Matthew Miller and Janne Pak at the State Department Press Briefing on December 4, 2023. The space age is opening with South Korea's successful launch of a solid fuel space launch vehicle on the 4th (local time). Additionally, South Korea successfully launched its first military satellite from Vandenberg Base in California on the 1st (local time). 한국은 4일(현지시간) 고체연료 우주발사체 발사에 성공함으로서 우주시대가 열리고 있다. 또한 한국은 첫 군사위성을 지난 1일(현지시간) 캘리포니아주 반덴버그 기지에서 발사에 성공했다. North Korea recently celebrated its successful launch of a military satellite, but its performance has not yet been confirmed. Although North and South Korea are fighting over satellite launch, South Korea's military satellite is far ahead in terms of precision. 북한이 최근 군사위성발사를 성공했다고 자축했지만 성능면에 있어서 아직 확인돼지 않고 있다. 남북한이 위성발사를 놓고 기싸움을 하고 있지만 정밀도에서는 한국의 군사위성이 훨씬 앞서고 있다. The State Department said South Korea's launch of a solid-fuel space launch vehicle is different from the subject of a number of UN Security Council resolutions on North Korea's destabilizing activities. It was emphasized that unlike North Korea's illegal launches, South Korea's...
Janne Pak 2023.12.04
Janne Pak 2023.12.04
(11-28-2023)   by: Janne Pak(White House & State Department & Pentagon & Congress Correspondent) @Q&A withe a Pentagon Spokesperson General Ryder and Janne Pak at the Pentagon Press Briefing on November 28, 2023. The White House and the Pentagon recently dismissed reports that North Korea had captured images of the White House, the Pentagon, and U.S. military bases using military satellites. 미 백악관과 펜타곤은 최근 북한이 발표한 미 백악관과 펜타곤, 미군기지를 군사위성으로 촬영했다는 보도를 일축했습니다. North Korea announced that its recently launched military satellite ‘Great Mirror 1’ took pictures of major American facilities, including the White House, the Pentagon, and U.S. military bases. However, although it is known that ‘Great Mirror-1’ has entered orbit, the prevailing view is that a detailed evaluation is still needed to determine whether it is functioning properly. 북한은 자신들이 최근 발사한 군사위성 ‘만리경 1호’가 백악관과 펜타곤, 미군기지등 미국의 주요시설을 촬영했다고 발표했다. 하지만 만리경 1호가 궤도에는 진입한걸로 알고 있지만 기능이 제대로 작동하고 있는지에 대해서는 아직도 자세한 평가가 나와 봐야 한다는 것이 지배적이다. There is also an assessment that North Korea's Kim Jong-un may have done it for show, and that it could have been possible if Russia had supported military satellite technology. Considering this, it can be...
Janne Pak 2023.11.29