North Korea's new tactical ballistic missile launcher deployed in the front lines_Stop provocative and counterproductive action

Janne Pak
2024-08-05 22:09
(8-5-2024)   by: Janne Pak(White House & State Department & Pentagon & Congress Correspondent)

@Q&A with a State Department Spokesperson Matthew Miller and Janne Pak at the State Department Press Briefing on August 5, 2024.

@Kim Jong-un attended the handover ceremony for a new tactical ballistic missile launcher held in Pyongyang on the 4th and announced that 250 missile launchers have been deployed to the first line of border troops.

North Korea's Kim Jong-un attended the handover ceremony for a new tactical ballistic missile launcher held in Pyongyang on the 4th and announced that 250 missile launchers have been deployed to the first line of border units. He emphasized that this effectively establishes a nuclear capability posture, and in particular, “the effectiveness of tactical nuclear weapons has also been improved in practical terms.”

북한 김정은이 4일 평양에서 열린 신형 전술탄도미사일 발사대 인계 인수식에 참석해 미사일 발사대 250대가 국경 제1선 부대에 배치 됐다고 밝혔다. 이는 사실상 핵역량 태세구비를 갖추었고 특히“전술핵의 실용적 측면에서도 효과성을 제고하게 됐다.”고 강조했다.

In response to North Korea's announcement on the 5th that it had deployed a large-scale tactical nuclear ballistic missile launcher on the front line, the U.S. State Department said, "We urge North Korea to stop its provocative and counterproductive actions and return to the negotiating table."

미 국무성은 5일 북한이 대규모 전술핵 탄도미사일 발사대를 최전선에 배치됐다고 밝힌데 대해, “북한이 도발적이고 비생산적인 조치를 중단하고 협상 테이블로 복귀할 것을 촉구 했다”

Regarding North Korea, which is currently suffering from flood damage and has chosen Russia's aid while rejecting South Korea's aid, State Department said, "No matter what differences we have with any government, it is not a difference with the people of that country." “We hope that the humanitarian needs of the North Korean people will be resolved,” At the same time, said, “We will leave it up to South Korea to decide or propose.”

북한이 현재 홍수피해를 겪고 있는데 한국의 지원을 거부하고 러시아의 지원을 선택한것에 대해 선별적 지원 선택을 한 북한에 대해서 “우리가 어떤 정부와 어떤 차이점을 갖고 있더라도 그것은 그 나라 국민과의 차이점이 아니다.”며 북한 주민들의 인도주의적 필요가 해결 되기를 희망한다.“고 밝혔다. 그러면서 한국이 내닐 결정이나 제안에 대해 한국에 맡기겠다.”고 밝혔다.

In response to my question, State Department Spokesperson Matthew Miller said at the Department of State's regular briefing today (5th), "What do you think about North Korea's sudden action in response to North Korea's announcement that it will deploy a large-scale tactical nuclear ballistic missile launcher at the front line?"

“We will urge North Korea to stop its provocative and counterproductive actions and return to the negotiating table,” he said.

매튜 밀러 국무성 대변인은 오늘(5일) 국무성 정례브리핑에서 “북한이 대규모 전술핵 탄도미사일 발사대를 최전선에 배치하겠다고 밝힌데 대해, 북한의 갑작스러운 행동에 대해 어떻게 생각하느냐?”는 나의 질문에, 그는, “우리는 북한이 도발적이고 비생산적인 조치를 중단하고 협상 테이블로 복귀하도록 촉구할 것이다.”고 말했다.

Also, when asked whether he thought North Korea's seventh nuclear test was imminent, he said, "I have no assessment to provide on that."

또한 북한의 7차 핵실험이 임박했다고 보느냐?는 질문에는, “그것에 대해 제공할 평가가 없다.”고 말했다.

Meanwhile, to the question, "North Korea is currently experiencing many casualties due to flood. South Korea said it would provide humanitarian aid, but North Korea chose only support from Russia. What do you think of North Korea which selectively chooses humanitarian aid?"

한편 “현재 홍수 피해로 많은 인명피해를 겪고 있는 북한이 한국의 지원보다 러시아의 지원만을 선택하고 있는데 대해 선별적인 인도적 지원을 선택하는 북한에 대해 어떻게 생각하느냐?“는 질문에는,

He added, "obviously our thoughts are always with the people of North Korea, as they are with the people of any country around the world when they suffer a humanitarian disaster." "And whatever differences we have with any government, those are not differences with the people of that country." "And so we would hope to see the speak to decisions or offers that they might have made."

”분명히 우리의 생각은 인도주의적 재난을 겪을 때 전 세계 어느 나라의 사람들과 마찬가지로 항상 북한 사람들과 함께 있다.“며 ”우리가 어떤 정부와 어떤 차이점을 갖고 있더라도 그것은 그 나라 국민과의 차이점이 아니다.“고 말했다. 그러면서 따라서 우리는 북한 주민들의 인도주의적 필요가 해결되기를 희망하며, 한국이 내린 결정이나 제안에 대해 한국에 맡기겠다.“고 덧붙였다.

*For more details, Please See the Q&A from State Department Spokesperson Matthew Miller and Janne Pak at the State Department Press Briefing on August 5, 2024.

(자세한 내용은 아래 매튜 밀러 국무성대변인과 제니 박 기자의 질의응답을 참고하십시오.)

QUESTION:(Janne Pak): Two questions. North Korea announced that it will deploy a large-scale tactical nuclear ballistic missile launcher to the front lines. What do you think of North Korea’s sudden actions?

북한이 대규모 전술핵 탄도미사일 발사대를 최전선에 배치하겠다고 밝혔다. 북한의 갑작스러운 행동에 대해 어떻게 생각하시나요?

A:(MR MILLER): We would encourage North Korea to discontinue taking provocative and unproductive steps and return to the negotiating table.

우리는 북한이 도발적이고 비생산적인 조치를 중단하고 협상 테이블로 복귀하도록 촉구할 것입니다.

QUESTION:(Janne Pak): Do you think North Korea’s seventh nuclear test is imminent?

북한의 7차 핵실험이 임박했다고 생각하나요?

A:(MR MILLER): I don’t have any assessment to offer on that.

나는 그것에 대해 제공할 평가가 없습니다.

QUESTION:(Janne Pak): A quick question. North Korea is currently experiencing many casualties due to flood. South Korea said it would provide humanitarian aid, but North Korea chose only support from Russia. What do you think of North Korea which selectively chooses humanitarian aid?

북한은 현재 홍수로 인해 많은 인명피해를 겪고 있다. 한국은 인도적 지원을 하겠다고 했으나 북한은 러시아 지원만을 선택했다. 인도적 지원을 선별적으로 선택하는 북한에 대해 어떻게 생각하시나요?

A:(MR MILLER): So obviously our thoughts are always with the people of North Korea, as they are with the people of any country around the world when they suffer a humanitarian disaster. And whatever differences we have with any government, those are not differences with the people of that country. And so we would hope to see the humanitarian needs of the North Korean people addressed, and I’ll let South Korea speak to decisions or offers that they might have made.

따라서 분명히 우리의 생각은 인도주의적 재난을 겪을 때 전 세계 어느 나라의 사람들과 마찬가지로 항상 북한 사람들과 함께 있습니다. 그리고 우리가 어떤 정부와 어떤 차이점을 갖고 있더라도 그것은 그 나라 국민과의 차이점이 아닙니다. 따라서 우리는 북한 주민들의 인도주의적 필요가 해결되기를 희망하며, 한국이 내린 결정이나 제안에 대해 그들(한국)이 이야기하도록 하겠습니다.(끝)

All Copy Rights Reserved: on USA JOURNAL KOREA Site.
(Janne Pak, White House Correspondent)
A Professional female Journalist who has covered the Korean Peninsula Issues and Korea-U.S. relations for over 20 years, White House, Pentagon, State Department, Congress.
(10-17-2024)   by: Janne Pak(White House & State Department & Pentagon & Congress Correspondent) @Q&A with a Pentagon Press Secretary General Pat Ryder and Janne Pak at the Pentagon Press Briefing on October 17, 2024. Russia has recently been pouring out harsh criticism towards South Korea, claiming that South Korea carried out a drone provocation against Pyongyang. Meanwhile, Russia submitted a bill to the House of Representatives ratifying the North Korea-Russia Mutual Military Cooperation Treaty and declared that it would provide military support in case of conflict between North and South Korea. Russia has revealed its intention to intervene militarily in the event of an emergency on the Korean Peninsula. 러시아는 최근 한국이 평양에 드론을 투입했다면서 한국을 향해 맹 비난을 쏟아내고 있다. 그런가하면 러시아는 북-러 상호군사협력조약을 비준하는 법안을 하원에 제출하고, 남북이 충돌할 경우 군사지원을 하겠다고 선언했다. 한반도 유사시 러시아가 군사적 개입을 할 의도를 밝히고 있다, At a briefing on the 17th (local time), the U.S. Department of Defense (Pentagon) responded to my question, “How does the U.S. view Russia’s direct involvement in the inter-Korean conflict?” to which Press Secretary General Ryder responded, “We're going to continue to work closely with our ROK allies to support their defense.” 미 국방부(펜타곤)는 17일(현지시간) 브리핑에서...
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(10-15-2024)   by: Janne Pak(White House & State Department & Pentagon & Congress Correspondent) @Q&A with a State Department Spokesperson Matthew Miller and Janne Pak at the State Department Press Briefing on October 15, 2024. North Korea is making an unreasonable claim, saying that it was South Korea that sent the anti-North Korea leaflets along with the drone over Pyongyang. It is said that a drone entered the skies over Pyongyang on the 3rd, 9th, and 10th of October. 북한은 무인기와함께 대북전단지를 평양상공으로 보낸 것이 한국이라며 억지 주장을 펼치고 있다. 10월3일, 9일, 10일, 3일동안 무인기가 평양상공에 들어왔다는 것이다. According to North Korea's Korean Central News Agency on the 11th, "North Korea's recent drone provocation is a serious political and military provocation that must be retaliated against in accordance with its right to self-defense," and "The People's Army General Staff has ordered artillery units at the front to be ready to fire." “It was reported.” 11일 북한 조선중앙통신에 의하면 “북한은 한국의 이번 무인기 도발 행위를 응당 자위권에 따라 보복을 가해야 할 중대한 정치군사적 도발이다.”며 “인민군 총참모부는 전방에 포병부대에게 사격준비태세를 지시했다.”고 보도했다. Regarding North Korea's sudden claim of drone infiltration, South Korea's Joint Chiefs of Staff immediately denied it, saying, "The military has...
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(10-8-2024)   by: Janne Pak(White House & State Department & Pentagon & Congress Correspondent) @Q&A with a Pentagon Deputy Press Secretary Sabrina Singh and Janne Pak at the Pentagon Press Briefing on October 8, 2024. Ukrainian Kiev Post and Russian media reported that six North Korean military officers were killed and three wounded on the battlefield in Ukraine. 러시아의 우크라이나 전장에서 북한군 장교 6명이 사망하고 3명이 부상했다는 우크라이나 키이우 포스트지와 러시아 언론이 보도했다. Russian media acknowledged the deployment of North Korean troops and stated that they were agents controlling the quality of weapons. However, since Russia and North Korea have mutual military cooperation and arms deals, it can be seen that they can sufficiently dispatch North Korean troops. 러시아 언론은 북한군의 파병된 것을 인정하면서 이는 무기 품질을 관리하는 요원이라고 밝혔다. 하지만 러시아와 북한은 상호 군사협력관계를 맺고 있고 무기거래를 하고 있기 때문에 충분히 북한군을 파견할수 있다고 볼 수 있다. Meanwhile, South Korea's Minister of National Defense said at the National Defense Commission's audit yesterday, "There is a possibility that the North Korean Army may be sent additional troops to the Ukraine war for Russia." 한편 한국 국방부장관은 어제 국방위원회 국정감사에서 “북하군이 러시아를 위해 우크라이나 전쟁에 추가 파병될수 있다는 가능성이 있다.”고 밝혔다. Several...
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(10-7-2024)   by: Janne Pak(White House & State Department & Pentagon & Congress Correspondent) "How will the U.S. completely denuclearize North Korea?" @Q&A with a State Department Spokesperson Matthew Miller and Janne Pak at the State Department Press Briefing on October 8, 2024 As the issue of arms cooperation between North Korea and Russia is emerging as a major issue, the UN Security Council is increasingly condemning it. An official from the North Korean mission to the UN said that the arms deal between North Korea and Russia is a non-existent fiction and that it is a conspiracy by the United States. 북러간의 무기협력문제가 큰 이슈로 떠오르고 있는가운데 유엔안보리에서는 이를 규탄하는 목소리가 높다. 유엔주제 북한대표부의 관리는 북러간의 무기거래는 있지도 않는 허구이며 이는 미국의 음모라고 말했다. The North Korean representative also said at the UN Security Council meeting that North Korea is a nuclear state and will not participate in any dialogue or negotiations for denuclearization, and threatened that anyone who attacks North Korea could use nuclear weapons. 이 북한 대표는 유엔 안전보장이사회 회의에서 북한은 핵보유국이며 비핵화를 위한 어떠한 대화나 협상에도 참여하지 않을 것이라고 말했으며, 북한을 공격하는 사람은 누구든 핵무기를 사용할 수 있다고 위협했다. When North Korea withdrew from the NPT and...
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(9-13-2024)   by: Janne Pak(White House & State Department & Pentagon & Congress Correspondent) [State Department: "Hold accountable all countries that interfere in the U.S. presidential election." "North Korea uranium enrichment facility revealed_ ”The United States continues to strive for complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula." @Q&A with a State Department Spokesperson Matthew Miller and Janne Pak at the State Department Press Briefing on September 13, 2024. Regarding the disclosure of North Korea's uranium enrichment facilities, the U.S. State Department emphasized that U.S. policy will remain unchanged and that efforts will continue to denuclearize the Korean Peninsula. The White House also said in response, “This is why we have invested more reconnaissance assets on the Korean Peninsula, and we are continuing to monitor North Korea’s nuclear ambitions.” 미국무부는 북한의 우라늄 농축시설 공개에 대해 미국의 정책은 변함이 없다면서 한반도 비핵화를 위한 노력을 지속할 것임을 강조했다. 백악관도 이에 대해 “한반도에 정찰자산을 더 투입한 이유가 여기에 있다면서 북한의 핵 야망을 계속 감시하고 있다.”고 밝혔다. The State Department also responded to North Korea and Russia's attempts to interfere in the U.S. presidential election through provocations, saying, "We oppose any country that takes steps to interfere with our democratic process," and added, "We will take steps...
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