“Abuse of impeachment and servile South Korean politicians who sell out the people”

Janne Pak
2024-12-14 17:28
(12-14-2024)   by: Janne Pak(White House & State Department & Pentagon & Congress Correspondent)
"It is also important for the public to know why the President declared martial law."

@(Right),President Yoon Seok-yeol is speaking to the public at his official residence in Hannam-dong after his impeachment bill was passed by the National Assembly on the 14th (Korean time).@On the 14th, the National Assembly is holding a vote on the impeachment bill.(left)

Following the first vote on the 7th (Korean time) on the opposition party's impeachment motion against South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol's martial law, the second vote was held on the 14th. The first vote failed, but the second vote passed due to some pro-impeachment forces in the ruling party.

윤석열 한국 대통령의 계엄령에 대한 야당의 탄핵소추안에 대한 표결이 지난 7일(한국시간) 1차에 이어 14일 2차 표결이 진행되었다. 1차 표결은 실패 했으나 2차 표결에서 여당의 몇몇 탄핵 찬성세력으로 인해 가결됐다.

Near Gwanghwamun and the National Assembly building in Yeouido, Seoul, clashes are taking place between those who support and those who oppose President Yoon's declaration of martial law. In the end, a vortex of war between regimes and ideologies is currently underway.

서울의 광화문과 여의도 국회의사당 근처 에서는 윤대통령의 계엄령선포에 대해 찬성하는 국민들과 반대하는 국민들 간에 충돌이 일어나고 있다. 결국 체재와 이념 전쟁의 소용돌이가 현재 진행중이다.

After failing in the first impeachment vote, the opposition party incited the public by saying that they would continue to pursue impeachment every week for the second time. In particular, when the second impeachment vote was passed, the leader of the opposition party went up to the podium where the so-called candlelight forces (following them) who were protesting in favor of impeachment outside the National Assembly said, “The first round is a victory, and we will prepare for future clashes with the Constitutional Court.” Instigated.

1차 탄핵표결에서 실패하자 2차등 계속 1주일마다 탄핵을 추진하겠다고 야당은 국민들을 선동했었다. 특히 야당 대표는 2차 탄핵표결이 가결되자 국회 밖에서 탄핵찬성을 시위하고 있던 소위 촛불(자신들을 추종하는) 세력이 있는 단상으로 올라가 “1차는 승리, 앞으로 헌법재판소와의 충돌에 대비할 것.“을 선동했다.

Looking at this dire situation, where the opposition National Assembly, which is the legislative body, is inciting protests and leading the country into chaos, it can be seen as a systemic war between the opposition party followers who act without any sense and the forces trying to protect the country from communist forces (North Korea), such as the ROK-U.S. alliance.

입법기관인 야당 국회의원이 시위를 선동하고 국가를 혼란상태로 이끌고 있는 이런 진풍경을 보면서 개념없이 행동하는 야당 추종세력과 한미동맹등 국가를 공산세력(북한)으로부터 지키려는 세력간의 체제 전쟁이라고 볼수 있다.

Who are the people that the opposition party is talking about, and who are the people that the ruling party is talking about? They say that they will conduct politics according to the ‘will and opinions of the people’, which they shout out during every presidential and National Assembly election, but once they take power, they do not even care about the people.

도대체 야당이 말하는 국민은 누구이며 여당이 말하는 국민이 누구일까? 대통령 및 국회의원 선거때 마다 그들이 외치고 있는 국민의 뜻과 눈높이에 의해 정치를 하겠다는 말을 하면서 막상 자신들이 권력을 챙취한 후에는 국민은 안중에도 없다.

They are using the people to gain power, but they do not listen to the true voices of the people. I want to ask the Korean people, “For whom are you citizens?” “The people should no longer be exploited by certain power greedy people.” The people must be able to discern with ‘eagle eyes’ who is greedy for power and who is truly working for the people’s lives.

자신들의 권력쟁취에 국민을 이용하고 있지만 정작 국민의 진정한 목소리는 듣지 않는다. 한국 국민들에게 묻고 싶다 “당신들은 누구를 위한 국민인가?” “특정 권력 탐욕자에게 국민이 더 이상 이용당하지 말아야 한다.” 권력을 탐하고 있는 자가 누구이며 진정한 국민의 삶을 위한 자가 누구인가를 국민들은 ‘메의 눈’으로 분별 할줄 알아야 한다.

In particular, Lee Jae-myung, the leader of the opposition party, has been found guilty of several crimes and is currently on trial, and some have already been sentenced. However, he has already lost his qualifications as a member of the National Assembly, as he has postponed the trial indefinitely because he does not want to be arrested, and the public is crying that such a person should be sent to prison quickly. Lee Jae-myung is 100% taking advantage of the current chaotic impeachment situation to conceal his crimes and avoid arrest.

특히 야당 대표인 이재명은 여러개의 범죄사실이 드러나 현재 재판중에 있으며 이미 선고를 받은 범죄도 있다. 하지만 구속되기 싫어 무한정 재판을 연기하는 등 국회의원으로서의 자격이 이미 상실된 자이며 국민들은 이런자를 빨리 감옥으로 보내야 한다고 외치고 있다. 이재명은 자신의 죄를 은닉하고 구속을 피하기위해 작금의 혼란스런 탄핵정국을 백퍼센트 이용하고 있다.

Even during the impeachment of former President Park Geun-hye, the entire nation suffered due to the political strife of members of the National Assembly with substandard badges. President Park, who was innocent, was immediately arrested by Prosecutor General Yoon Suk-yeol (current President Yoon Suk-yeol) and spent three and a half years in prison.

지난 박근혜 전 대통령의 탄핵때도 함량미달의 뱃지를 단 국회의원들의 정쟁으로 인해 온 국민이 고통을 받아왔다. 죄 없는 박대통령은 그당시 바로 윤석열 검찰총장(현 윤석열 대통령)에 의해 구속되어 3년 반동안 감옥생활을 했다.

President Yoon Suk-yeol, who realized that the impeachment and arrest of President Park was wrong, invited former President Park Geun-hye to the inauguration ceremony and gave her a warm welcome. Afterwards, he continued to apologize and gave President Park Geun-hye a lot as compensation for his crimes.

박대통령 탄핵과 구속이 잘못 판단되었다는 것을 깨달은 윤석열 대통령은 자신이 대통령 취임식에 박근혜 전 대통령을 전격 초청해 환대했으며 이후 계속 사과를 하면서 박근혜 대통령에게 자신의 죄값에 대한 보상심리 차원에서 많이 베풀었다.

If we look closely at ‘Article 77 of the Constitution of the Republic of Korea’ regarding this martial law, it states, “In times of war, an incident, or equivalent national emergency, when it is necessary to respond to military needs or maintain public peace and order with troops, the President shall, as prescribed by law, Martial law can be declared. ② It is clearly stated that “martial law shall be emergency martial law and guard martial law.”

이번 계엄령에 대해 ‘대한민국 헌법 제77조항’를 자세히 살펴보면 “대통령은 전시ㆍ사변 또는 이에 준하는 국가비상사태에 있어서 병력으로써 군사상의 필요에 응하거나 공공의 안녕질서를 유지할 필요가 있을 때에는 법률이 정하는 바에 의하여 계엄을 선포할 수 있다. ② 계엄은 비상계엄과 경비계엄으로 한다.”라고 분명히 명시되어 있다.

After the second impeachment on the 14th, President Yoon immediately announced in an emergency statement at the Yongsan Presidential Office, “I am declaring martial law to eradicate pro-North Korea forces and protect the free constitutional order.”

윤대통령은 14일 2차 탄핵후 즉각 용산 대통령실에서 긴급 담화를 통해 “종북 세력을 척결하고, 자유 헌정질서를 지키기 위해 비상계엄을 선포한다”고 밝혔다.

President Yoon said, “So far, the National Assembly has proposed impeachment of 22 government officials since the inauguration of our government, and is pursuing the impeachment of the 10th person even after the inauguration of the 22nd National Assembly in June.” He added, “This is not only unprecedented in any country in the world. “This is a situation completely unprecedented since the founding of our country,” he said.

윤 대통령은 “지금까지 국회는 우리 정부 출범 이후 22건의 정부 관료 탄핵 소추를 발의했으며, 지난 6월 22대 국회 출범 이후에도 10명째 탄핵을 추진 중에 있다”며 “이것은 세계 어느 나라에도 유례가 없을 뿐 아니라, 우리나라 건국 이후에 전혀 유례가 없던 상황”이라고 말했다.

President Yoon said, “They are paralyzing judicial work by intimidating judges, impeaching a number of prosecutors, and even paralyzing the executive branch by impeaching the Minister of Public Administration and Security, impeaching the Chairman of the Korea Communications Commission, impeaching the Chairman of the Board of Audit and Inspection, and attempting to impeach the Minister of National Defense.” “The budget process also completely cut all major budgets for the essential functions of the state, crackdown on drug crimes, and maintain public safety, thereby damaging the essential functions of the state and turning the Republic of Korea into a drug paradise and a state of panic over public safety,” he said.

윤 대통령은 “판사를 겁박하고, 다수의 검사를 탄핵하는 등 사법 업무를 마비시키고, 행안부 장관 탄핵, 방통위원장 탄핵, 감사원장 탄핵, 국방장관 탄핵 시도 등으로 행정부마저 마비시키고 있다”며 “국가 예산 처리도 국가 본질 기능과 마약 범죄 단속 민생 치안 유지를 위한 모든 주요 예산을 전액 삭감하여 국가 본질 기능을 훼손하고 대한민국을 마약 천국, 민생 치안 공황 상태로 만들었다”고 말했다.

He emphasized, “This is a clear anti-state act that is plotting a civil war by trampling on the constitutional order of the free Republic of Korea and disrupting legitimate state institutions established by the Constitution and law.”

“이는 자유 대한민국의 헌정 질서를 짓밟고 헌법과 법에 의해 세워진 정당한 국가 기관을 교란시키는 것으로서 내란을 획책하는 명백한 반국가 행위”라고 강조했다.

“During the NIS security inspection, North Korea hacked the Central Election Commission’s server, the Chinese Communist Party’s election manipulation and intervention in liberal countries is also serious, and we will uncover the truth about election fraud to restore constitutional order,” etc. “Chinese spies are in Korea. He said, “The fact that the U.S. aircraft carrier docked in the U.S. was filmed several times with a drone and the National Intelligence Service was secretly filmed.”

“국정원 보안 점검시 중안선거 관리위의 서버를 북한이 해킹, 자유 진영 국가에 대한 중국공산당의 선거공작, 개입도 심각, 헌정 질서를 바로 세우기 위해서 부정선거 진실을 규명 할것”등 “중국 간첩들이 한국에 정박중인 미국 항공모함을 드론으로 수차례 촬영한 사실과 국정원을 몰래 촬영한 사실”에 대해 말했다.

President Yoon was also in a position where he was unable to run state affairs as the opposition party cut the budget for agencies that would investigate spies and departments in charge of eradicating national subversive forces. If all of this was left as is, it could pose a fatal threat to national security, so he called for martial law. He stated that he used ‘the best political governing action’.

윤 대통령은 또한 간첩을 수사할 기관과 국가파괴세력을 척결할 담당부서등 예산마저도 야당이 삭감해 국정을 운영할수 없는 처지에 놓여 있게 되었으며 이러한 모든 것을 그대로 두면 국가안보에 치명적인 위협이 될수 있어서 계엄 이라는 ‘정치적인 최고의 통치행위’를 사용했다고 밝혔다.

Based on Article 77 of the Constitution of the Republic of Korea, the military commander-in-chief can declare martial law, the highest act of governance, when national security is judged to be in danger, and this is not unconstitutional. The result of the Constitutional Court is drawing attention as it clearly states. In fact, two past presidents have also been dismissed by the Constitutional Court on this basis.

대한민국 헌법 77조에 근거해 군통수권자로서 국가안위가 위험하다고 판단될 때 최고의 통치행위인 계엄을 선포할 수 있고 또 이것이 위헌이 아니다.“라는 조항이 명시되어 있어 헌법재판소에서의 결과가 주목된다. 실제로 과거 2명의 대통령도 이 조항에 근거해 기각된 바가 있다.

The major positions currently vacant due to the opposition party's irresponsible impeachment are: Chairman of the Board of Audit and Inspection (impeachment and prosecution), Minister of National Defense (arrest), Minister of Public Administration and Security (resignation), Minister of Justice (impeachment and prosecution), Minister of Gender Equality and Family (resignation), and broadcasting. Chairman of the Communications Committee (impeachment prosecution), Seoul Central District Prosecutors' Office (impeachment prosecution), Commissioner General of the National Police Agency (arrest, impeachment prosecution), Commissioner of the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency (arrest), Chief of Staff of the Army (suspended from duty), Commander of Counterintelligence Command (suspended from duty), Commander of Defense Command (suspended from duty), Commander of Special Forces Command (suspended from duty), Commander of Intelligence Command (suspended from duty), Commander of Counterintelligence Command (arrested), Director of Counterintelligence 1 (suspension 0, The head of the counterintelligence investigation team (suspended), etc.

현재 야당의 무책임한 탄핵 남발로 인해 공석인 주요 직위를 보면: 감사원장(탄핵소추), 국방부장관(구속), 행안부 장관(사직), 법무부 장관(탄핵소추), 여성가족부 장관(사직), 방송통신위원장(탄핵소추), 서울중앙지검장(탄핵소추), 경찰청장(체포.탄핵소추), 서울경찰청장(체포), 육군참모총장(직무정지), 방첩사령관(직무정지), 수방사령관(직무정지), 특전사령관(직무정지), 정보사령관(직무정지), 방첩사령관(구속), 방첩 1처장(직무정지0, 방첩사 수사단장(직무정지)등 이다.

As major national institutions and military leadership in charge of security are vacant, there are concerns that the nation's command system could be shaken if North Korea's Kim Jong-un makes a misjudgment and makes a provocation.

국가 주요기관과 안보를 담당하는 군 수뇌부가 공석에 있음으로서 북한 김정은이 오판을 해 도발 할 경우 국가의 명령체계가 흔들릴수 있는 우려가 있다.

Recently, former White House National Security Advisor John Bolton warned, “The chaotic impeachment process in South Korea will be advantageous to North Korea, Russia, and China and could give them an opportunity.”

최근 존 볼턴 전 백악관 국가안보 보좌관은 “한국의 혼란스런 탄핵정은 북한과 러시아 중국에 유리하게 될것이며 이들에게 기회를 줄수 있다.”며 경고했다.

Although the U.S. military in Korea will provide defense and assistance through cooperation with the ROK-U.S. alliance, the Korean people will have to take direct responsibility for their country's defense.

주한미군이 한미동맹 협력으로 방어와 도움을 주겠지만, 정작 한국 국민들이 자국의 방어에 직접 책임을 져야 할 것이다.

People who are already traumatized by the word ‘martial law’ say that martial law itself is wrong, but on the other hand, there are many people who agree that the president inevitably exercised his supreme ruling power and announced martial law for the sake of national security. It is fortunate that this is an area where no casualties occurred. The media has an obligation to stand on the side of the opposition party and provide balanced reporting rather than biased reporting.

‘계엄’이란 단어에 이미 트라우마를 갖고 있는 사람들은 무조건 계엄령 자체를 잘못됐다고 말하지만 반면에 대통령이 국가안위를 위해서 불가피하게 최고의 통치권을 발휘해 계엄령을 발표한데 대해 찬성하는 국민들도 많이 있다. 단지 인명피해가 발생하지 않은 영역이어서 다행이다. 언론이 야당편에 서서 편향적인 보도보다 균형있는 보도를 해야 할 의무가 있다.

South Korea is a liberal democratic country ruled by law. Now the ball is in the court of law. The people will expect a just and truthful result in accordance with the law and the Constitution, not the result of biased media reports such as indiscriminate false propaganda and fake news, and protests by anti-state forces that follow a specific political party.

한국은 자유 민주주의 법치국가이다. 이제 공은 허법재판소로 넘어갔다. 무차별적인 거짓선동과 가짜 뉴스등 편향적인 언론보도와 특정정당을 추종하고있는 반국가 세력의 시위에 의한 결과가 아닌 법률과 헌법에 따라 정의롭고 진실된 결과를 국민들이 기대하게 될 것이다.(끝)

All Copy Rights Reserved: on USA JOURNAL KOREA Site.
(Janne Pak, White House Correspondent)
A Professional female Journalist who has covered the Korean Peninsula Issues and Korea-U.S. relations for over 20 years, White House, Pentagon, State Department, Congress.
Janne Pak 2025.01.19
(1-17-2025)   by: Janne Pak(White House & State Department & Pentagon & Congress Correspondent) Trump's second administration: "If the long-term chaos continues, uncertainty will increase in both politics and economy in the US-ROK alliance." [ 제 2기 트럼프 행정부,“장기적인 혼란사태 지속되면 미.한동맹, 정치경제  불확실성 커질 것.] @President Trump, the 47th President of the United States, speaks about his second-term policies. The Trump administration's second term will be launched on the 20th amidst the chaotic and politically unstable situation in Korea. The 119th Congress has also opened, and the Republican Party is in control of both houses of Congress, securing 53 out of 100 seats in the Senate and 219 out of 435 seats in the House of Representatives. 한국의 혼란스럽고 정치적으로 불안정한 상황속에서 오는 20일 트럼프 2기 행정부가 출범한다. 제119대 의회도 개원되었고 상원에서 총 100석 중 53석을, 하원에서는 435석중 219석을 확보하면서 공화당이 상.하원을 모두 장악하고 있다. There have also been changes in the leadership of each standing committee, with Republican Senators James Risch and Roger Wicker being appointed as chairmen of the Foreign Affairs and Armed Services Committees, which have a key influence on U.S. national security policy. 미국의 국가안보 정책에 핵심적인 영향을 미치는 외교위원회와 군사위원회의 위원장으로 공화당의 제임스 리시 상원의원과...
Janne Pak 2025.01.18
(1-16-2025)   by: Janne Pak(White House & State Department & Pentagon & Congress Correspondent) President Biden, “Establishing trilateral cooperation between the US, S.Korea, and Japan was possible thanks to the US military” 바이든 대통령은, “미한일 3자협력 구축은 미군 덕분에 가능했다.”고 강조. @President Joe Biden speaks during a farewell ceremony at the Pentagon on January 16, 2025. At a farewell ceremony held at the Pentagon on the 16th, President Joe Biden praised the hard work of the U.S. military and defense officials over the past four years, and said that successful security policies such as the U.S.-South Korea-Japan trilateral cooperation were possible thanks to their dedication. 조 바이든 대통령은 16일 미 국방부에서 열린 고별행사에서 지난 4년 간 미군과 국방 당국자들의 노고를 치하하면서 이들의 헌신이 있었기에 미한일 3자 협력 등 성공적인 안보 정책 추진이 가능했다고 말했다. President Biden pointed to the establishment of the U.S.-South Korea-Japan trilateral cooperation as a major security achievement over the past four years. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin also said that strengthening the alliance in the Indo-Pacific region was one of the Biden administration's major achievements. 바이든 대통령은 미한일 3자 협력 구축을 지난 4년 간 주요 안보 분야 성과로 지목했다. 로이드 오스틴 국방장관도 인도태평양 지역 동맹 강화가 바이든...
Janne Pak 2025.01.18
Janne Pak 2025.01.17
(1-15-2025)   by: Janne Pak(White House & State Department & Pentagon & Congress Correspondent) "I want to recommend US-South Korea-Japan relations to the incoming administration" @Q&A with a State Department Spokesperson Matthew Miller and Janne Pak at the State Department Press Briefing on January 15, 2025. @Instead of being illegally arrested, President Yoon is being transported voluntarily to the High-ranking Officials' Crime Investigation Office  in a Secret Service vehicle.(1-15-2025) South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol voluntarily appeared on the 15th (local time in Korea) under a coercive arrest warrant. The South Korean High-ranking Officials' Crime Investigation Office has persistently threatened to arrest President Yoon with an illegal arrest warrant. Although it is a well-known fact that the High-ranking Officials' Crime Investigation Office cannot legally arrest and detain the president, it has been reported that it is carrying out this act through irregular means. 윤석열 한국 대통령이 15일(한국, 현지시간) 강압적인 체포영장에 의해 자진 출두했다. 한국 고위공직자 범죄수사국은 불법적인 체포영장으로 끈질기게 윤대통령의 체포를 예고해 왔다. 공수처는 법적으로 대통령을 체포 구속할수 없다는 것이 정석이지만 편법으로 이 행위를 집행하고 있다고 보도됐다. It seems likely that there will be fierce legal battles over the execution of illegal arrest warrants in the future. 앞으로 불법체포영장 집행에 관해 법정다툼이...
Janne Pak 2025.01.15
(1-13-2025)   by: Janne Pak(White House & State Department & Pentagon & Congress Correspondent) @Q&A with a Pentagon Press Secretary General Pat Ryder and Janne Pak at the Pentagon Press Briefing on January 13, 2025. @On the @11th, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy posted a photo on social media X, saying it was of the belongings of a captured North Korean soldier. The soldier is holding a Russian passport. The U.S. Department of Defense announced on the 13th that there were 1,000 North Korean casualties. Meanwhile, the South Korean National Intelligence Service announced at the Intelligence Committee of the National Assembly on the 13th (local time), “The area of ​​engagement of North Korean troops deployed to Russia is expanding to the entire Kursk region,” and “The scale of North Korean casualties is estimated to have exceeded 3,000, with approximately 300 dead and 2,700 wounded.” 미 국방부(펜타곤)은 13일 북한군 사상자가 1천명이라고 밝혔다. 그런가 하면 한국 국가정보원은 13일(현지시간) 국회에서 열린 정보위원회에서 “러시아에 파병된 북한군의 교전 참여 지역이 쿠르스크 전역으로 확대되고 있다”며 “북한군 피해 규모가 사망 300여 명, 부상 2천700여 명으로 사상자가 3천 명을 넘어선 것으로 추산된다”고 밝혔다. 한편 젤렌스키 우크라이나 대통령은 지난 11일 북한군 2명을 생포했으며 이들은 러시아 여권을 가지고 있었고 한국어로 심문을 했다고...
Janne Pak 2025.01.13
Janne Pak 2025.01.11
Janne Pak 2025.01.11
(1-8-2025)   by: Janne Pak(White House & State Department & Pentagon & Congress Correspondent) @Q&A with a Pentagon Deputy Press Secretary Sabrina Singh and Janne Pak at the Pentagon Press Briefing on January 8, 2025. North Korea had remained silent about the chaotic situation in South Korea, but on the 6th (Korean time), it finally launched a new hypersonic medium-range ballistic missile, and Kim Jong-un announced that the missile was targeting U.S. territory (Guam). 북한이 혼란스런 한국의 상황에도 그동안 침묵을 지키고 있었지만 드디어 지난 6일(한국시간) 신형 극초음속 중거리 탄도미사일을 발사하했고, 김정은은 이 미사일은 미국 영토(괌)를 겨냥하고 있다고 발표했다. The Pentagon said it was aware of North Korea's ballistic missile launch and condemned the North's provocative actions, urging it to stop further illegal actions, and that it was cooperating closely with its allies. 미 국방부(펜타곤)은 북한의 탄도미사일 발사를 인지하고 있고, 북한의 도발 행위를 규탄한다면서 추가적인 불법행동을 중단할 것을 촉구한다고 밝혔다. 그러면서 동맹과 긴밀히 협력하고 있다고 밝혔다. The Pentagon said the latest North Korean ballistic missile launch violates UN Security Council resolutions and is being taken seriously. 이번 북한의 탄도미사일 발사는 유엔안보리결의에 위반이 되고 이것을 심각하게 받아들이고 있다고 밝혔다. In a briefing today (the 8th), Pentagon Deputy Press Secretary Sabrina Singh responded to...
Janne Pak 2025.01.09