Janne Pak 2024.06.27
Janne Pak 2024.06.25
(6-24-2024)   by: Janne Pak(White House & State Department & Pentagon & Congress Correspondent) @Q&A with a State Department Spokesperson Matthew Miller and Janne Pak at the State Department Press Briefing on June 24, 2024. After North Korea and Russia signed a comprehensive strategic partnership and mutual defense treaty agreement, the U.S. Congress is sending a stern warning to North Korea and Russia. 북한과 러시아가 포괄적 전략 동반자관계와 상호방위조약 협정을 맺은후 미의회는 북러에 대한 엄중한 경고를 보내고 있다. Democratic Senator Richard Blumenthal and Republican Senator Lindsey Graham co-sponsored a bill on the 20th to designate Russia as a state sponsor of terrorism. The two lawmakers pointed out that North Korea and Russia signed a mutual defense treaty and said that they should respond with all available means, including designation as a state sponsor of terrorism. 민주당의 리처드 블루멘탈 상원의원과 공화당의 린지 그레이엄 상원의원은 지난 20일 러시아를 테러지원국으로 지정하는 법안을 공동 발의했다. 두 의원은 북한과 러시아가 상호방위조약을 체결한 사실을 지적하며 테러지원국 지정을 포함한 가용한 모든 수단으로 대응해야 한다고 말했다. State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller reponded to my question at a State Department briefing today (24th, local time): “U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal said that all countries that have signed defense treaties with North...
Janne Pak 2024.06.24
Janne Pak 2024.06.23
Janne Pak 2024.06.20
Janne Pak 2024.06.19
Janne Pak 2024.06.18
(6-13-2024)   by: Janne Pak(White House & State Department & Pentagon & Congress Correspondent) @Q&A with a State Department Spokesperson Matthew Miller and Janne Pak at the State Department Press Briefing on June 13, 2024. Tensions between South Korea and North Korea are reaching a peak. North Korea is still sending trash balloons to South Korea. Meanwhile, on the 9th, several North Korean soldiers violated the Military Demarcation Line and fled north after receiving warning shots from the South Korean military. 한국과 북한의 긴장이 고조에 도달하고 있다. 북한은 여전히 쓰레기 풍선을 한국으로 날려 보내고 있다. 그런가하면 지난 9일에는 북한군 여러명이 군사분계선을 침범하였으며 한국군의 경고사격을 받고 북쪽으로 도주했다. North Korea's waste balloons are flying all over South Korea, causing great damage to the people. The Korean government In response to North Korea's reckless and dangerous waste balloons, loudspeaker broadcasts to North Korea were resumed. North Korea resumed sending garbage balloons again, warning South Korea that it would pay hundreds of times the price. North Korea claims that these actions are legitimate actions of its own. 한국의 전역에 북한의 오물풍선이 날아와서 국민들의 피해가 이만저만이 아니다. 한국정부는 북한의 무모하고 위험한 오물풍선에 대응해서 대북 확성기 방송을 재개했다. 북한은 수백배의 대가를 치를것이라고 한국에 경고하면서 다시 오물풍선...
Janne Pak 2024.06.14
(6-12-2024)   by: Janne Pak(White House & State Department & Pentagon & Congress Correspondent) @Q&A with a Pentagon Deputy Press Secretary Sabrina Singh and Janne Pak at the Pentagon Press Briefing on June 12, 2024. South Korea and the United States held the third ‘Nuclear Consultative Group’ meeting in Seoul for two days starting on the 10th. At this meeting, it was announced that joint guidelines on North Korean nuclear weapons have been completed to respond to North Korean nuclear weapons. As a result, a review of concrete responses to North Korea's nuclear weapons was discussed between South Korea and the United States. 한미 양국은 10일부터 양일간 3차 ‘핵협의체그룹‘ 회의를 서울에서 개최했다. 이번회의에서는 북한 핵에 대응할수 있는 북핵 공동지침이 완성됐다고 발표됐다. 이로서 한미 양국간 북한 핵 대응을 구체적으로 대응해 나갈 것에 대한 검토가 논의됐다. The United States' direct nuclear response measures and South Korea's conventional response measures work closely together to deter North Korea's nuclear provocations. 미국은 핵 대응에 대한 직접적인 조치와 한국은 재래식 대응조치가 서로 긴밀히 협력하면서 북한의 핵 도발을 저지시킨다는 것이다. The United States still opposes South Korea becoming nuclear-armed. The US deterrence power alone is sufficient to defend against North Korea's nuclear provocations. 미국은 아직도 한국이 핵무장을 하는...
Janne Pak 2024.06.12
Janne Pak 2024.06.05