The impeachment motion against President Yoon for declaring martial law failed.

Janne Pak
2024-12-07 22:14
(12-6-2024)   by: Janne Pak(White House & State Department & Pentagon & Congress Correspondent)

@President Yoon Suk-yeol is giving a speech to the public ahead of the vote on the impeachment bill at the plenary session of the National Assembly at the Presidential Office Building in Yongsan, Seoul at 10 a.m. on the 7th.

@Opposition party members gathered in the plenary session of the National Assembly to vote on the impeachment bill, and all ruling party members left the meeting, refusing to vote in opposition to impeachment.

@At Gwanghwamun Square in Seoul on the afternoon of the 7th, people are shouting against the impeachment of President Yoon Suk-yeol and calling for the arrest of Lee Jae-myeong, the leader of the opposition party who is on trial.

@Opposition party lawmakers and civic group members are calling for the resignation of President Yoon Suk-yeol and chanting impeachment slogans in front of the National Assembly building in Yeouido, Seoul on the afternoon of the 7th.

The impeachment motion against South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol's ‘declaration of martial law’ was not voted on at the National Assembly Building in Yeouido on the 7th (local time) as it did not meet the quorum. A total of 195 votes, including 192 from the opposition party and 3 from the ruling party, failed to meet the 200 threshold for passing the impeachment bill, so it was discarded.

한국 윤석열 대통령의 ‘계엄령선포‘에 대한 탄핵소추안이 7일(현지시간) 여의도 국회의사당에서 의결 정족수에 미치지 못해 투표 불성립됐다. 야당투표 192명 여당 3명등 총195명 투표로 탄핵안 통과 기준 200을 채우지 못해 폐기됐다.

This impeachment bill was the first time in eight years since President Park Geun-hye that the National Assembly voted on the impeachment bill, but the impeachment bill was not established as People Power Party members almost did not participate in opposition to the impeachment.

이번 탄핵안은 박근혜 대통령 이후 8년만에 국회 탄핵소추안 표결이 이뤄 졌으나 국민의힘 의원들이 탄핵을 반대하여 거의 불참하면서 탄핵안이 불성립되었다.

Lee Jae-myung, leader of the opposition party, said he would continue to hold plenary sessions every week and continue to push for the impeachment bill. If this happens, the people's fatigue will reach its peak. The opposition party has been abusing impeachment excessively for two and a half years.

야당 이재명 대표는 매주 본회의를 이어가며 탄핵안 추진을 계속 할것이라고 말했다. 이렇게 되면 국민들의 피로감은 극에 달하게 될 것이다. 야당은 2년 반동안 무리하게 탄핵을 남용해 왔다.

First of all, what we want to know is why President Yoon Suk-yeol had no choice but to declare martial law on the night of the 3rd.

우선 우리가 알고 싶은 것은 윤석열 대통령이 지난 3일 밤 계엄령을 선포 할 수밖에 없었던 이유에 대해서이다.

I think that President Yoon, who served as the Prosecutor General of South Korea, did not implement martial law thoughtlessly when declaring martial law, but also took into account all roles that he could take responsibility for within the boundaries of the law.

한국 검찰총장을 엮임했던 윤대통령은 계엄선포를 하면서 생각없이 시행한 것이 아니라 자신이 법테두리 내에서 책임질수 있는 역할까지도 다 고려했을 것이라고 본다.

If we look closely at the reasons for the declaration of martial law, we can see that the Korean people gave an unreasonable number of seats to certain political parties, which led to legislative monopoly and the paralysis of all state administration. It was also revealed in the truth game that the imbalanced number of seats was the cause of election fraud. President Yoon said that he felt a threat to national security as anti-state forces became entrenched in the opposition party due to election fraud.

계엄령 선포에 대한 원인을 자세히 보면 한국 국민들이 특정 정당에게 무리하게 의석수를 부여해준 탓에 입법독주를 하게 되었고 모든 국정운영이 마비된 탓도 있다. 그리고 불균형한 의석수가 바로 부정선거의 원인이었다는 것도 진실게임에서 나타났다. 윤대통령은 부정선거로 인해 반국가세력이 야당에 포진되어 국가안보에도 위협을 느꼈다고 말했다.

In any case, as the left and right clash further with the clumsy declaration of martial law, the burden falls squarely on the South Korean people.

어쨌든 어설픈 계엄령선포로 좌우가 더욱 충돌하면서 그 몫은 고스란히 한국 국민들 몫이 되어있다.

Before voting on the impeachment bill in the National Assembly at 5 p.m. on the 7th, President Yoon made a public apology regarding the ‘declaration of martial law’ via live broadcast from the Yongsan Presidential Office at 10 a.m.

윤 대통령은 7일 오후 5시 국회에서 탄핵안 표결을 하기전 오전 10시 용산 대통령실에서 생중계로 ‘비상계엄 선포’와 관련한 대국민사과를 했다.

The following is the full text of President Yoon’s address to the nation.

다음은 윤 대통령 대국민담화문 전문이다.

“Respected citizens,

I declared martial law as of 11 p.m. on December 3rd. About two hours later, at around 1:00 a.m. on December 4, the withdrawal of the military was ordered in accordance with the National Assembly's resolution to lift martial law, and martial law was lifted after a late-night cabinet meeting.

This declaration of martial law was born out of desperation as the President, who is ultimately responsible for state affairs. However, in the process, it caused anxiety and inconvenience to the people. I am very sorry, and I sincerely apologize to the people who were shocked.

I will not avoid the issue of legal and political responsibility in relation to this declaration of martial law.

Dear citizens. There are rumors that martial law will be invoked again, but I want to make this clear. There will never be anything like a second martial law.

Citizens. I will leave the future political stability plan, including my term of office, to our party. In the future, our party and government will jointly take responsibility for running state affairs.

“We once again bow our heads in apology for causing concern to our citizens.”

[“존경하는 국민 여러분,

저는 123일 밤 11시를 기해 비상 계엄을 선포했습니다. 2시간 후 124일 오전 1시경 국회의 계엄 해제 결의에 따라 군의 철수를 지시하고 심야 국무회의를 거쳐 계엄을 해제하였습니다.

이번 비상계엄 선포는 국정최종책임자인 대통령으로서의 절박함에서 비롯되었습니다. 하지만 그 과정에서 국민들께 불안과 불편을 끼쳐드렸습니다. 매우 송구스럽게 생각하며, 많이 놀라셨을 국민 여러분께 진심으로 사과드립니다.

저는 이번 계엄 선포와 관련하여 법적 정치적 책임 문제를 회피하지 않겠습니다.

국민 여러분. 또다시 계엄이 발동될 것이라는 얘기들이 있습니다만 분명하게 말씀드립니다. 2의 계엄과 같은 일은 결코 없을것입니다.

국민여러분. 저의 임기를 포함하여 앞으로의 정국 안정 방안은 우리 당에 일임하겠습니다. 향후 국정운영은 우리 당과 정부가 함꼐 책임지고 해나가겠습니다.

국민 여러분께 심려를 끼쳐드린 점 다시한번 머리숙여 사과드립니다.“]

President Yoon said that the declaration of martial law was born out of desperation as the president, who is ultimately responsible for state affairs. Although he did not specify the exact nature of that desperation, he was unable to run state affairs, including cutting all national budgets, due to the opposition party's constant legislative monopoly, and the last general election. It is known that as president, he was concerned about the evidence provided by the National Election Management Center, a constitutional institution, in response to many citizens' objections to election fraud.

윤대통령은 이번 비상계엄 선포는 국정최종책임자인 대통령으로서의 절박함에서 비롯되었다고 했는데, 그 절박함에 대해서는 구체적으로 밝히지 않았지만 끊임없는 야당의 입법독주로 인해 국가의 모든 예산삭감등 국정운영을 할수 없었고, 지난 총선에서 부정선거에 대해 많은 국민들이 이의를 제기한데 대해 헌법기관인 중앙선거관리 센터에 대한 증거를 가지고 대통령으로서 고민했다는 것으로 알려졌다.

In fact, from the perspective of the public, the opposition party, which is the cause of the declaration of martial law, cannot be free from this responsibility. The opposition party, which has 191 seats, has filed 22 impeachment motions, and its leader is currently on trial for seven crimes. In the meantime, many people have suffered fatigue and damage.

사실 국민의 눈높이로 볼 때 이번 비상계엄령을 선포하게 된 원인제공자인 야당도 이번 책임에서 자유로울수 없다. 191석을 가진 야당은 22번의 탄핵안을 발휘했고 야당 대표는 7건의 범죄로 인해 재판이 진행중이다. 그사이 많은 국민들이 피로감과 피해를 입어왔다.

The declaration of martial law is an exercise of authority given by the Constitution as the head of state. Public opinion is 50% on the declaration of national emergency martial law within the bounds of the law.

계엄령선포는 국가원수로서 헌법에 주어진 권한행사다. 법 테두리내에서 국가비상계엄을 선포한데 대해서는 국민들의 여론은 반반이다.

Some foreign media outlets are only reporting on the declaration of martial law based on superficial information. As a sovereign nation, Korea must report by looking closely at the specifics of why President Yoon, who was involved with the Prosecutor General of Korea, had no choice but to declare martial law, and by looking closely at the sentiments of the people on the left and right.

일부 외신들은 비상계엄선포에 대해서 겉으로 보는것만 가지고 보도를 하고 있다. 한국은 주권국가로서 특히 한국 검찰총장을 엮임했던 윤대통령이 비상계엄을 선포할 수밖에 없었던 구체적인 내용을 살펴 보면서 그리고 좌우 국민들의 정서를 자세히 들여다 보면서 보도를 해야 한다.

South Korea is markedly divided between the left and right camps. The opposition party is opposing whatever the ruling party does. They are also unconditionally opposed to the budget plan, including the appointment of ministers. Moreover, they are expressing dissatisfaction with the triangular alliance between Korea, the United States, and Japan and with the joint military exercises between Korea and the United States. THAAD deployed by the United States also does not want to be relocated because China does not like it. North Korea does not condemn any provocation by Kim Jong-un. Since the focus is only on the president and the ruling party, this current situation is bound to happen.

한국은 좌우 진영이 현저하게 나눠져 있다. 야당은 여당이 무엇을 해도 반대하고 있다. 장관임명등 예산안도 무조건 반대하고 있다. 하물며 한미일 삼각동맹관계도 한미 합동군사훈련에도 불만을 표현하고 있다. 미국이 배치한 사드도 중국이 싫어한다고 재배치를 원하지 않고 있다. 북한 김정은이 어떤 도발을 해도 규탄하지 않는다. 오직 대통령과 여당에만 집중적으로 발목을 잡고 있으니 지금의 이런 사태가 일어날 수 밖에 없다.

While the vote on President Yoon's impeachment was taking place in the National Assembly, rallies were held in Gwanghwamun and in front of the National Assembly between people who opposed the impeachment and those who wanted it to be passed.

윤 대통령 탄핵안 표결이 국회에서 진행되는 동안 광화문과 국회앞에서는 탄핵을 반대하는 국민들과 가결을 원하는 국민들간의 집회가 열렸다.

Hundreds of thousands of citizens supported the declaration of martial law and condemned the atrocities of the opposition party. 300,000 citizens chanted against President Yoon's impeachment, saying that it was the opposition party that was trampling on democracy.

수십만 명의 시민들이 계엄선포를 찬성하며 야당의 만행을 규탄했다. 30만명의 시민들은 민주주의를 짓 밟고 있는 자는 바로 야당의 횡포라며 윤대통령의 탄핵 반대를 외쳤다.

On the other hand, there were also candlelight protests by citizens supporting the opposition party. These are the forces that support impeachment and are actually destroying liberal democracy by defending North Korea's atrocities under the guise of democracy.

반면 야당을 지지하는 시민들의 촛불시위도 있었다. 이들은 탄핵을 지지하는 세력이자 민주주의를 빙자해 북한의 만행을 옹호하며 사실상 자유민주주의를 파괴시키고 있는 세력이다.

When the Speaker of the National Assembly declared that the impeachment had been scrapped at 9:30 p.m., starting at 5 p.m., there were clearly mixed feelings of joy and sorrow at the Yeouido and Gwanghwamun rallies.

국회에서 밤 5시 시작해서 930분에 탄핵이 폐기되었다고 국회의장이 선언하자 여의도와 광화문 집회에서의 희비도 명확하게 엇갈렸다.

At a conservative group rally held in central Seoul, including Gwanghwamun, where 300,000 people gathered, cheers of joy erupted, such as “We won” and “Thank God,” when the impeachment bill was declared rejected.

광화문등 서울 도심에서 열린 30만명이 모인 보수단체 집회에서는 탄핵안 부결이 선포되자 이겼다” “하나님께 감사한다.”등 기쁨의 환호성이 터져 나왔다.

On the other hand, at the 'National Candlelight March' rally held in front of the National Assembly building, hundreds of thousands of citizens surrounded the National Assembly, chanting "impeachment" and pouring out their anger at the ruling party lawmakers.

반면 국회의사당 앞에서 열린 '범국민촛불대행진' 집회에서는 수십만 명의 시민들이 국회를 에워싸고 "탄핵"을 외치며 여당 의원들에게 울분을 쏟아냈다.

Looking at the vote on this impeachment bill, I would like to ask the opposition party members. I hope that you will not become a shameful member of the National Assembly who blames all problems on the ruling party while putting pressure on the ruling party to prevent the opposition party leader who broke the law from going to jail.

이번 탄핵안 표결을 보면서 야당 의원들에게 묻고 싶다. 법을 어긴 죄지은 야당 대표가 감옥에 가지 못하도록 여당을 압박하면서 모든 문제를 여당탓으로 끌고가는 네로남불을 하는 부끄러운 국회의원이 되지 말기를 바란다.

Rather than encouraging confusion and conflict, I believe we should listen to the voices of the voting public and put into practice what true liberal democracy is.

혼란과 갈등을 조장하지 말고 투표권자인 국민들의 말에 귀를 기울여 진정한 자유민주주의가 무엇인지 실천해 나가야 한다고 본다.(끝)

All Copy Rights Reserved: on USA JOURNAL KOREA Site.
(Janne Pak, White House Correspondent)
A Professional female Journalist who has covered the Korean Peninsula Issues and Korea-U.S. relations for over 20 years, White House, Pentagon, State Department, Congress.
Janne Pak 2025.01.17
(1-15-2025)   by: Janne Pak(White House & State Department & Pentagon & Congress Correspondent) "I want to recommend US-South Korea-Japan relations to the incoming administration" @Q&A with a State Department Spokesperson Matthew Miller and Janne Pak at the State Department Press Briefing on January 15, 2025. @Instead of being illegally arrested, President Yoon is being transported voluntarily to the High-ranking Officials' Crime Investigation Office  in a Secret Service vehicle.(1-15-2025) South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol voluntarily appeared on the 15th (local time in Korea) under a coercive arrest warrant. The South Korean High-ranking Officials' Crime Investigation Office has persistently threatened to arrest President Yoon with an illegal arrest warrant. Although it is a well-known fact that the High-ranking Officials' Crime Investigation Office cannot legally arrest and detain the president, it has been reported that it is carrying out this act through irregular means. 윤석열 한국 대통령이 15일(한국, 현지시간) 강압적인 체포영장에 의해 자진 출두했다. 한국 고위공직자 범죄수사국은 불법적인 체포영장으로 끈질기게 윤대통령의 체포를 예고해 왔다. 공수처는 법적으로 대통령을 체포 구속할수 없다는 것이 정석이지만 편법으로 이 행위를 집행하고 있다고 보도됐다. It seems likely that there will be fierce legal battles over the execution of illegal arrest warrants in the future. 앞으로 불법체포영장 집행에 관해 법정다툼이...
Janne Pak 2025.01.15
(1-13-2025)   by: Janne Pak(White House & State Department & Pentagon & Congress Correspondent) @Q&A with a Pentagon Press Secretary General Pat Ryder and Janne Pak at the Pentagon Press Briefing on January 13, 2025. @On the @11th, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy posted a photo on social media X, saying it was of the belongings of a captured North Korean soldier. The soldier is holding a Russian passport. The U.S. Department of Defense announced on the 13th that there were 1,000 North Korean casualties. Meanwhile, the South Korean National Intelligence Service announced at the Intelligence Committee of the National Assembly on the 13th (local time), “The area of ​​engagement of North Korean troops deployed to Russia is expanding to the entire Kursk region,” and “The scale of North Korean casualties is estimated to have exceeded 3,000, with approximately 300 dead and 2,700 wounded.” 미 국방부(펜타곤)은 13일 북한군 사상자가 1천명이라고 밝혔다. 그런가 하면 한국 국가정보원은 13일(현지시간) 국회에서 열린 정보위원회에서 “러시아에 파병된 북한군의 교전 참여 지역이 쿠르스크 전역으로 확대되고 있다”며 “북한군 피해 규모가 사망 300여 명, 부상 2천700여 명으로 사상자가 3천 명을 넘어선 것으로 추산된다”고 밝혔다. 한편 젤렌스키 우크라이나 대통령은 지난 11일 북한군 2명을 생포했으며 이들은 러시아 여권을 가지고 있었고 한국어로 심문을 했다고...
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Janne Pak 2025.01.11
Janne Pak 2025.01.11
(1-8-2025)   by: Janne Pak(White House & State Department & Pentagon & Congress Correspondent) @Q&A with a Pentagon Deputy Press Secretary Sabrina Singh and Janne Pak at the Pentagon Press Briefing on January 8, 2025. North Korea had remained silent about the chaotic situation in South Korea, but on the 6th (Korean time), it finally launched a new hypersonic medium-range ballistic missile, and Kim Jong-un announced that the missile was targeting U.S. territory (Guam). 북한이 혼란스런 한국의 상황에도 그동안 침묵을 지키고 있었지만 드디어 지난 6일(한국시간) 신형 극초음속 중거리 탄도미사일을 발사하했고, 김정은은 이 미사일은 미국 영토(괌)를 겨냥하고 있다고 발표했다. The Pentagon said it was aware of North Korea's ballistic missile launch and condemned the North's provocative actions, urging it to stop further illegal actions, and that it was cooperating closely with its allies. 미 국방부(펜타곤)은 북한의 탄도미사일 발사를 인지하고 있고, 북한의 도발 행위를 규탄한다면서 추가적인 불법행동을 중단할 것을 촉구한다고 밝혔다. 그러면서 동맹과 긴밀히 협력하고 있다고 밝혔다. The Pentagon said the latest North Korean ballistic missile launch violates UN Security Council resolutions and is being taken seriously. 이번 북한의 탄도미사일 발사는 유엔안보리결의에 위반이 되고 이것을 심각하게 받아들이고 있다고 밝혔다. In a briefing today (the 8th), Pentagon Deputy Press Secretary Sabrina Singh responded to...
Janne Pak 2025.01.09
Janne Pak 2025.01.06
Janne Pak 2025.01.06
Janne Pak 2025.01.04
(1-3-2025)   by: Janne Pak(White House & State Department & Pentagon & Congress Correspondent) "Working together for the stability of South Korea. The Mutual defense posture is maintained strongly and we are prepared to respond to external provocation threats." @Q&A with the White House National Security Communications Advisor John Kirby and Janne Pak at the White House Via Teleconference on January 3, 2025. In South Korea, the president's duties have been suspended due to the opposition party's legislative tyranny, and high-ranking officials, including military leaders, have been suspended from their duties and arrested. 한국은 야당의 입법폭주로 인해 대통령의 임무가 정지되었고, 군수뇌부등 고위간부들이 직무정지 및 구속되어있다. The opposition party is impeaching anyone who does not comply with their wishes, so it is no exaggeration to say that South Korea is currently in a state of anarchy. The opposition party has abused impeachment 29 times. The opposition party's legislative tyranny, which does not practice liberal democracy, has ultimately become the reason why President Yoon had no choice but to declare martial law. 야당은 자기들의 뜻에 맞지않으면 무조건 탄핵을 시키고 있어 작금의 한국은 무정부 상태라고해도 과언이 아니다. 야당은 29번이나 탄핵을 남발하고 있다. 자유민주주의를 실천하지 않고 있는 야당의 입법독주가 결국 윤대통령이 계엄을 할 수밖에 없는...
Janne Pak 2025.01.03