“North Korea's ballistic missile high-angle launch test!”
Janne Pak
2024-10-31 00:19
(10-30-2024) by: Janne Pak(White House & State Department & Pentagon & Congress Correspondent)
@North Korea tested a high-angle launch of a ballistic missile from Pyongyang to the East Sea this morning (30th) immediately after the conclusion of the ROK-US defense ministers' meeting.
The South Korean Joint Chiefs of Staff announced on the morning of the 31st (Korea, local time) that “North Korea launched a ballistic missile of an unknown type into the East Sea at a high angle.” The Joint Chiefs of Staff announced that it is investigating the missile's flight range and altitude.
한국 합동참모본부는 31일(한국, 현지시간) 오전 “북한이 동해상으로 아직 기종을 알 수 없는 탄도미사일을 고각 발사했다”고 밝혔다. 합참은 미사일의 비행거리, 고도 등을 파악중에 있다고 밝혔다.
It has been 43 days since North Korea launched a ballistic missile on the 18th of last month. At that time, North Korea launched a combination of a new tactical ballistic missile, the Hwaseongpo-11da-4.5, with a 4.5-ton warhead, and a cruise missile.
북한이 탄도미사일을 쏜 것은 지난달 18일 이후 43일만이다. 당시 북한은 탄두가 4.5t인 신형 전술탄도미사일 화성포-11다-4.5와 순항미사일을 섞어 발사한 바 있다.
North Korea's ballistic missile launch today (30th, local time) was carried out immediately after the conclusion of the ROK-US defense ministers' meeting in Washington, so its intention is attracting attention.
오늘(30일, 현지시간) 북한의 탄도미사일 발사는 워싱턴에서 한미 국방장관회의가 끝난직후 실행한것이어서 그 의도가 주목된다.
Recently, South Korea's Defense Intelligence Headquarters announced the possibility of a ballistic missile launch and a seventh nuclear test, saying that Kim Jong-un had completed work to enable the use of nuclear weapons at North Korea's Punggye-ri nuclear site.
최근 한국 국방정보본부는 북한의 풍계리 핵 사이트에서 핵을 사용할수 있는 작업을 완료했다고 김정은이 말했다면서, 탄도미사일 발사 가능성과 7차 핵실험 가능성을 알렸다.
South Korea's military intelligence authorities reported to the National Assembly that "there is a possibility of North Korea's seventh nuclear test before the U.S. presidential election" and in particular announced that preparations for launching intercontinental ballistic missiles and ICBMs are almost complete. We must respond to North Korea's more provocative actions in the future. .
한국 군 정보당국이 "미국 대선 전 북한의 7차 핵실험 가능성이 있다"고 국회에 보고 했고 특히 대륙간탄도미사일, ICBM 발사 준비도 거의 끝났다고 발표한데 대해 앞으로 북한이 더 도발적인 행동을 할 것에 대응해야 한다. (끝)
All Copy Rights Reserved: on USA JOURNAL KOREA Site.
@North Korea tested a high-angle launch of a ballistic missile from Pyongyang to the East Sea this morning (30th) immediately after the conclusion of the ROK-US defense ministers' meeting.
The South Korean Joint Chiefs of Staff announced on the morning of the 31st (Korea, local time) that “North Korea launched a ballistic missile of an unknown type into the East Sea at a high angle.” The Joint Chiefs of Staff announced that it is investigating the missile's flight range and altitude.
한국 합동참모본부는 31일(한국, 현지시간) 오전 “북한이 동해상으로 아직 기종을 알 수 없는 탄도미사일을 고각 발사했다”고 밝혔다. 합참은 미사일의 비행거리, 고도 등을 파악중에 있다고 밝혔다.
It has been 43 days since North Korea launched a ballistic missile on the 18th of last month. At that time, North Korea launched a combination of a new tactical ballistic missile, the Hwaseongpo-11da-4.5, with a 4.5-ton warhead, and a cruise missile.
북한이 탄도미사일을 쏜 것은 지난달 18일 이후 43일만이다. 당시 북한은 탄두가 4.5t인 신형 전술탄도미사일 화성포-11다-4.5와 순항미사일을 섞어 발사한 바 있다.
North Korea's ballistic missile launch today (30th, local time) was carried out immediately after the conclusion of the ROK-US defense ministers' meeting in Washington, so its intention is attracting attention.
오늘(30일, 현지시간) 북한의 탄도미사일 발사는 워싱턴에서 한미 국방장관회의가 끝난직후 실행한것이어서 그 의도가 주목된다.
Recently, South Korea's Defense Intelligence Headquarters announced the possibility of a ballistic missile launch and a seventh nuclear test, saying that Kim Jong-un had completed work to enable the use of nuclear weapons at North Korea's Punggye-ri nuclear site.
최근 한국 국방정보본부는 북한의 풍계리 핵 사이트에서 핵을 사용할수 있는 작업을 완료했다고 김정은이 말했다면서, 탄도미사일 발사 가능성과 7차 핵실험 가능성을 알렸다.
South Korea's military intelligence authorities reported to the National Assembly that "there is a possibility of North Korea's seventh nuclear test before the U.S. presidential election" and in particular announced that preparations for launching intercontinental ballistic missiles and ICBMs are almost complete. We must respond to North Korea's more provocative actions in the future. .
한국 군 정보당국이 "미국 대선 전 북한의 7차 핵실험 가능성이 있다"고 국회에 보고 했고 특히 대륙간탄도미사일, ICBM 발사 준비도 거의 끝났다고 발표한데 대해 앞으로 북한이 더 도발적인 행동을 할 것에 대응해야 한다. (끝)
All Copy Rights Reserved: on USA JOURNAL KOREA Site.
(Janne Pak, White House Correspondent)
A Professional female Journalist who has covered the Korean Peninsula Issues and Korea-U.S. relations for over 20 years, White House, Pentagon, State Department, Congress.
A Professional female Journalist who has covered the Korean Peninsula Issues and Korea-U.S. relations for over 20 years, White House, Pentagon, State Department, Congress.
Janne Pak
Janne Pak
Janne Pak
Janne Pak
Janne Pak
Janne Pak
Janne Pak
Janne Pak
Janne Pak
Janne Pak